The people of˺ thamūddenied (i.e., rejected the truth of their Prophet Ṣâliḥ) by their transgression (i.e., exceeding all limits)
Denied Thamud by their transgression,
TO [THIS] TRUTH gave the lie, in their overweening arrogance, [the tribe of] Thamud
(The tribe of) Thamud denied (the truth) in their rebellious pride
The Thamud (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrong-doing
Thamûd rejected ˹the truth˺ out of arrogance,
In their overwhelming arrogance, the people of Thamud called the Messenger a liar, [91:11)
The Thamud tribe rejected the truth because of their arrogance
Samood gave the lie (to the truth) in their inordinacy
Thamud denied because of their overboldness.
Thamud rejected it through their arrogance
Thamud (people) denied (their prophet) through their transgression (by rejecting the truth)
Thamud denied in their rebelliousness
Thamud, in their transgression, denied.
Thamood denied in its pride
Samud (people) denied through the arrogant, rebellious behaviour of her (i.e., of the Nafs)
The people of Thamud denied the truth because of their arrogant transgressio
Thamud cried lies in their in ordinance
The people of Thamud rejected (the truth) as a result of their rebelliousnes
(The People of) Thamud denied the truth because of their transgression
(Disregarding this principle) Thamud rejected (Saleh) while playing God. ('Tagha' = Being 'Taghut' = Becoming a false god = Playing God = Transgressing = Rebelling = Crossing bounds of decency = Extreme arrogance)
The (people of) ´Samood´ denied (the truth) with utter arrogance
The people of Samood (Thamud) rejected (their messenger) by their excessive wrong-doing
Thamud denied [their prophet] by reason of their transgression
Thamud denied their transgression.
In their arrogant cruelty, the people of Thamud called [their messenger] a liar
Thamud belied in their exorbitance
The Thamud denied (the truth) in their perversenes
Thamud denied in their excessive tyranny —
The (tribe of) Thamud denied (the Divine Message and their Messenger, and displayed their denial) in their arrogant rebellion
The [people of] Thamud denied [Allah’s signs] out of their rebellion
The Thamud people denied (the Messenger) in their rebellious pride (or outrage)
Thamud denied with their rebellion.
The Thamud rejected through their inordinate wrongdoing
The people of Thamud cruelly treated their Messenger.
In their presumptuous insolence the Thamud called the Truth a li
Thamud denied their transgression.
The people of Thamood denied the Truth by committing transgression
The Thamud belied in their contumacy.
Thamoud's disbelief caused them to transgress
Thamood belied in their prid
Thamud rejected (the truth) in their inordinacy
Thamud had lied/denied/falsified with its own tyranny/excess of the limit
Be reminded that before you, people of Thamud rebelled against God and denied his criteria
The tribe of Thamud denied with rebellion
The tribe of Thamud rejected the Divine Messenger because of their rebelliousness
The people of Thamud rejected (their Messenger Salih) due to their rebellion
(The tribe of) Thamud belied (Salih,) because of their rebelliousness
Thamood (people) denied (their Prophet) through their transgression (by rejecting the true Faith of Islamic Monotheism, and by following polytheism, and by committing every kind of sin)
Thamood cried lies in their insolenc
Thamud accused their prophet Saleh of imposture, through the excess of their wickedness
Thamud called the apostle a liar in their outrage
Themoud in his impiety rejected the message of the Lord
In its presumptuous pride Thamūd denied their apostl
Thamud belied due to their transgressedness.
(The tribe of) Thamūd denied the Truth out of arrogance,
Thamud denied in its transgression,
The Thamud were in rejection through their sinfulness.
Exceeding all limits caused Thamûd to disbelieve,
Thamud rejected it through their arrogance
Thamud has been falsified by its tyranny.
In their overweening arrogance the people of Thamūd denied the truth,
Thamud (the people of Salih) denied (their reality and the system) by refusing the Nabi.
(The people of) Tham?d denied (their prophet) through their rebelliousness
The people of Thamud rejected the truth, brought to them by Allah's Messenger - Saleh -, through impudent transgression
Samood denied (the truth) due to their rebellion,
Thamud denied in their immoderation,
The Thamud (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrong-doing
Denied Thamud by their transgression
Kaththabat thamoodu bitaghwaha
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